Genres: Mecha, Romance, Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Drama
Number of episodes: 26
Theme Songs: Opening Songs: "Genesis of Aquarion" by Akino
"Go Tight!" by Akino
Ending Songs: "Omna Magni" by Yui Makino
"Koya no Heath" by Akino
"Celiane" by Gabriela Robin
- Apollo: After the Great incident he has nothing, not even a name... He meets Baron, who becomes his best friend and ally, and he's the one who gives him a name. When he loses his friend, Apollo wants to do everything to save him, so he gets on a machine, named Aquarion, and destroys an enemy. Now he's one of the persons to be able to ride Aquarion and he comes to the Academy, so that he can ride the machine and save his friend. Over the time he makes new friends, and learns about his past life, as Apollonius... He's a smart guy, although he is like a beast sometimes...
- Silvia: Due to her bothercomplex, she has still no boyfriend. She is searching halfheartedly for her love from her previous life, but wants to belief it's her brother, so she doesn't really search. Then she finds Apollo, who is able to call her past life out, and looks different to the world. Still, her brother remains the most important thing in her life, and she gets jealous if he is with Lihua, but that's slowly beginning to change...
- Sirius: Silvia's brother. Beauty and grace are really important to him. He doesn't really speak his mind, but more poetic... He hides a big secret, that no one knows... Also, does he like Lihua?
- Pierre: Plays soccer. Also, he is a true ladykiller, but has a big hole in his heart...
- Lihua: Has always misfortune, and uses misfortune as her excuse for things that go wrong... She doesn't trust herself, but still tries her best. Sirius is very important to her
- Toma: Tenshi. He loved Apollonius, but Siren took him away from him, and he was unable to bear that... Now he still tries to find the soul of Apollonius, and wants to kill him?
Summary: from wikipedia:
Eleven years before the start of the series, a disaster only referred to as the "Great Catastrophe" destroyed/devastated significant parts of the world and killed off many of its inhabitants. Along with the disaster came the appearance of the Shadow Angels (堕天翅 Datenshi ), winged beings with unexplainable powers who do not die of old age. They have been in slumber for twelve thousand years in their city of Atlandia (アトランディア Atorandia ) and have technology so advanced, it may be defined as very nearly magic. The Shadow Angels began invading human cites on Earth to harvest human beings, dubbing them as "the wingless ones", like cattle. The Shadow Angels extract the prana (プラーナ purāna , life force) from the harvested humans to serve as energy and nutrition to them, but also to feed the legendary Tree of Life (生命の樹 Seimei no Ki ). The Shadow Angels facilitate their harvesting via giant, floating harvesting machines called harvest beasts (収穫獣 shūkakujū ) which are guarded by giant mecha called Cherubim Soldiers (ケルビム兵 Kerubimu Hei ). They are sentient, yet there are times when they are piloted by Shadow Angels.
Ordinary weapons prove ineffective against the Cherubim, but a human expedition under the leadership of Gen Fudou eventually excavates three very technologically advanced fighter planes. Gen Fudou disappears, but an organization called DEAVA (ディーバ Dība , Division of Earth Vitalization Advancement) takes over the research of these machines, called Vectors (ベクター Bekutā ), trying to identify how to use them. The three Vectors are colored mostly in white and are shown as the green Vector Luna (ベクタールナ Bekutā Runa ), the blue Vector Mars (ベクターマーズ Bekutā Māzu ), and the red Vector Sol (ベクターソル Bekutā Soru ). DEAVA discovers only people with special powers called Elements (エレメント Eremento ) can control the Vectors and, ultimately, unite the three to form a giant fighting robot with three transformations that is capable of beating the Cherubim. This machine and all its forms are called Aquarion (アクエリオン Akuerion ).
During the first sortie to fight a Cherubim by uniting the Vectors into a transformation of Aquarion, DEAVA encounters 15 year-old Apollo, who seems to be the reincarnation of a Shadow Angel named Apollonius, also known as the "Solar Wing", who betrayed his Shadow Angel brethren for his love of the human warrior Seliane: They become convinced of this when he single-handedly unites the Vectors into Solar Aquarion and defeats the Cherubim.
My view: A heart-touching story, but is hard to follow. I had to see it two times, to get the story right, but still, the emotions came right to me... Also, the songs are very good, I know the first opening song by my heart, so everytime I watch this anime, I sing with nice fake (is this really english? :$) But it's certainly worth watching :D
Rating: 7,5
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